Non-Degree Certificates

Professional certificates add value and specific subject area expertise to those looking to specialize, or those already in the field.

Transitional Kindergarten (TK) Certificate

The expansion of Transitional Kindergarten offerings in our state (California AB130) calls for teachers to have knowledge, skills, and strategies to teach effectively in an early childhood setting. Our TK certificate is designed for teachers with a multiple subject credential looking to work in a TK classroom.

Child Development Certificate & Early Childhood Education Units

Sixteen unit course series designed for classified employees seeking a Child Development Permit or required units.

Bilingual Authorization

Spanish for Credentialed Teachers

Designed for teachers with a Multiple Subject, Single Subject, or Educational Specialists credential. This program supports the statewide Global 2030 California Initiative, providing a pathway for credentialed teachers to obtain an added authorization in Spanish, assisting with the growing demand and need for dual language educators.

Preliminary Administrative Services Credential (PASC)

Designed for those holding a valid California Clear Credential in teaching, pupil personnel services, health, or library services looking to be an administrator in a P-12 school or district office.

Clear Administrative Services Credential (PASC)

Designed for those in possession of Certificate of Eligibility or those holding a valid Preliminary Administrative Services Credential.

Dyslexia Teacher Training Professional Certificate Program

Equip and empower in-service teachers to work effectively with neurodivergent student populations and increase their inclusion in general education classrooms.

Neurodiversity & Inclusion Professional Certificate

Designed for PK-12 teachers, administrators, mental health professionals, and others seeking to enhance their ability to serve and include neurologically diverse students in all learning environments.

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